Summer pilot program 2016
It is a good game when everybody wins.
The children from Orphanage Casa Hogar Adonai started to learn the arts of Capoeira and sewing; the instructors got paid a fair wage for their inspiring knowledge, building each other up.
"I feel very enthusiastic and very happy training Capoeira"- Pancho, child at Adonai.
Children were introduced to an ancient art on a summer of otherwise long days in Chihuahua, Mexico.
Capoeira was an art form used to free slaves in Brazil after the 16th century. In modern times low self esteem, social skills and physical inactivity enslave children to an invisible cage. In a program of two classes a week with the best local instructor, children were introduced to this ancient Brazilian activity which includes martial arts, music and body tricks.
La educación se mama.
Education starts at home.
To complement capoeira, children went into the city to take sewing classes with the goal of eventually being self sufficient in making their own clothes or sports uniforms, and have a skill to give them more options in the future.
"The children's attention span is short, I spend much of the class correcting basic manners" -Cruz, Sewing instructor.
Instructors like Cruz not only teach the children practical skills, but also provide parental guidance that is lacking in the orphanage due to limited constant adult presence. These instructors offer the children a greater chance of success.
Nobody said it would be easy, but it is worth it.
Orphanage Casa Hogar Adonai has been a source of love and shelter for local boys and girls for over 10 years in the outskirts of Chihuahua, Mexico. Luis and Cecy are the loving parents of between 30-40 children (depending on the time of year) who attend school regularly and are quite active physically, some boys even play American football on a local team!
Mentor a Mentor strives to not only support instructors making a difference, but simultaneously support Luis and Cecy in the powerful work they are doing, with an ultimate goal of having positive influences from the local community making a difference in their own local community, fostering mutually beneficial relationships.
Children and Youth aged 6-18
Capoeira and Sewing classes
Chihuahua, Mexico
Visit our blog to see pictures from the summer pilot program